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This unique bass challenge will help you go from a beginner to competent bassist in 21 days

This unique bass challenge will help you go from a beginner to competent bassist in 21 days

Using the T-G-E Framework, you’ll be able to jam with your friends or family faster than 98% of other bassists – WITHOUT spending hours trawling through confusing YouTube videos, doing boring exercises or getting “stuck” and becoming an “endless beginner”

Using the T-G-E Framework, you’ll be able to jam with your friends or family faster than 98% of other bassists – WITHOUT spending hours trawling through confusing YouTube videos, doing boring exercises or getting “stuck” and becoming an “endless beginner”

The 21-Day Beginners Bass Challenge

Only $29 Today

(List Price $131)

What Is The 21-Day Beginner Bassist Challenge?

The 21-Day Beginner Bass Challenge is designed to take an absolute day-1 bass beginner and give you the skills to become the kind of bassist who’s confident making music and jamming with other musicians. 

Over the next 21 days, you will learn how to:


Using the T-G-E Framework, you can eliminate all the confusion and frustration that comes from trying to teach yourself through random, disconnected YouTube videos and actually start moving beyond the beginner stage.


This isn’t the kind of thing where you get dumped into a sea of unending lessons with an Everest-like learning curve and no real pathway to improving (unless you already know how to play…)


The 21-Day Beginner Bass Challenge is easily digestible, with a clear action step for every single day – action steps that actually work – and made for actual beginners.

Lisa B.
Beginner Bass Challenge Graduate

Now I know how to mute properly…It is the single most important thing I learned and a major reason I took this course. I also learned how to figure out the key of a song and how to find the groove better…I am just about ready to try out playing in a blues band. This is a big step for me.

Beginner Bass Challenge Graduate

The best thing I've ever done as far as bass playing goes is to do this course, because it's changed the way I look at things, changed the way I do things, and changed the amount of fun I have. You know, it's like from, "Oh yeah, I like the bass," to, "Now it's more like I love it. What can I do more?"

Ruth K.
Beginner Bass Challenge Graduate

[Before the challenge], I didn’t even know the basics as I was never taught. Just showed fifths. No groove, no muting...Now I can play different riffs and fills, understand 12 bar blues, know how to use my fingers on both hands…I wish it had been around for me years ago when I was starting out.

The 21-Day Beginner Bass Challenge Is A SHORTCUT

When most beginning bassists start their journey, they are magnetically pulled to the wealth of knowledge available through bass lessons and videos on YouTube.

On the surface, it makes sense – there’s so much ‘stuff’ just waiting for you to be discovered.

But really, what most beginner’s find is that they find themselves on the YouTube Hamster Wheel, watching lesson after lesson, but not actually making progress.

Then they end up saying things like:


“I’ve just been watching YouTube videos to try and learn, but I feel like it’s just one step forward, two steps back. Frustrating.”


“…so when youtube guys say “mess around in C” I know what they mean, but I don’t have a map as to what lessons make sense.”


“There are lots of cool things to learn from YouTube, but it’s overwhelming to figure out what to do next.”


But after decades of playing professionally, then decades of teaching 2,862 beginning bassists, I figured out the few things that really mattered when it came to improving on bass.

Now, you can use the T-G-E Framework I developed through those years of trial-and-error to finally make meaningful progress on bass – fast.

Here’s how it works:

Here’s What You’ll Learn In The 21-Day Beginner Bass Challenge

Instead of jumping from random video to random video, the Challenge lays out exactly what to do day-by-day and step-by-step, so you never have to wonder what you need to do to get better.

Here’s everything we’ll cover in the challenge:

Day 1 – How to use the A.B.M. Method to play great bass lines from day 1

Day 2 – How to use your plucking hand to craft a great tone using your current gear (and without needing to spend thousands on new stuff)

Day 3 – How to use M.V.P. concept to stop your bass buzzing like a chainsaw (without brute-forcing your fretting hand)

Day 4 – The ‘Natural Positioning Principle’ that lets you play for hours on end – pain free

Day 5 – The ‘weirdo’ solution to flying fingers (so you can play 2 or even 3 times faster)

Day 6 – How to master your single MOST important job as a bassist (and start creating your own bass lines at the same time)

Day 7 – The crucial (but often overlooked) ingredient that can make or break how your bass line FEELS (get this right, and musicians will fall over themselves to play with you)

Day 8 – How to start developing a rock solid sense of time; strong enough that entire bands will rely on you for the tempo

Day 9 – The deceptively simple rhythmic exercise that turns you into a MASTER of groove

Day 10 – Why you absolutely CAN learn to play by ear (even if you don’t have ‘good’ ears)

Day 11 – The four mission critical patterns that make hearing (and creating) bass lines infinitely easier

Day 12 – The single most USEFUL piece of musical knowledge you can use to start creating your own ‘expanded’ bass lines

Day 13 – The quickest and easiest way to instantly figure the key of any song

Day 14 – Two ‘High-Tech’ methods of banishing tabs and YouTube tutorials for good and finally deciphering bass lines for yourself

Day 15 – The absolute BEST, most ‘jammable’ genre to learn so you can start jamming with other musicians today

Days 16 and 17 – How to inject even more variety into your bass lines and create truly captivating bass lines

Day 18 – The easy way to get BEYOND roots, 3rds and 5ths in your bass lines so you can stop playing the same old things all the time

Day 19 – The ‘3-fret rule‘ that Paul McCartney and Carol Kaye use to create simple, but ultra-catchy bass lines

Day 20 – Three ready to use ‘plug-and-play’ bass fills/runs that are guaranteed to impress (and make your bass lines even MORE interesting)

Day 21 – How to create your own personalized practice routine so you can KEEP improving long after you’ve completed the challenge

Beginner Bass Bonuses

To make sure you never get stuck and to guarantee you get the most out of the challenge, you’ll also get access to these essential beginner bass bonuses:

BONUS #1 – 7 Killer Bass Lines That I Guarantee You Can Play With ZERO Experience As A Day-1 Beginner VALUE: $17

BONUS #2 – Hours of custom-made bass-specific practice tracks

BONUS #3 – tabs and notation for every day of the challenge VALUE: $27

BONUS #4 – Your Day-1 Beginner Bass Primer to make sure you’re ‘up to speed’ on crucial terms and can hit the ground running from the start VALUE: $17

BONUS #5 – The Key Certainty Technique that scientifically guarantees you figure out the right key every time VALUE: $17

BONUS #6 – What to do if you have small hands or hands that don’t ‘stretch’ the way a younger person’s hands do VALUE: $17

BONUS #7 – The ‘Four-Inch Ruler’ Rhythm Bootcamp: The No-Nonsense Guide To Rhythm As A Bassist VALUE: $7

ONLY $29

Usually ($131) 77% OFF

All prices in USD

Avoid This Beginner Bassist Trap At ALL Costs…

As a beginner, simply watching the videos that YouTube recommends often means that there are HUGE gaps in your knowledge (or you try to tackle more advanced things that you may not yet be ready for…)

It’s no use: 

  • Tackling 16th note slap odysseys if you can’t find beat 1
  • Trying to master bass harmonics if you can’t make a simple bass line groove

  • Learning the details of music theory if you don’t know how to physically play the bass

Now that’s not to say that any of the ‘fancy’ things aren’t important – they are!

But learning things in an order that doesn’t make sense is the reason that so many beginners get stuck on that YouTube Hamster Wheel.

And once you’re on that hamster wheel, your progress will be slow.

Almost glacial… 

Because for every new thing you try to learn, you also have to learn 3 OTHER things so you can do the first thing you wanted. 

That’s why it ends up feeling like one step forward and two (or three or four) steps back.

The YouTube Hamster Wheel in action...

You’ll likely end up ‘skipping ahead’ to ideas, techniques and concepts that you’re simply not ready for yet (which is a recipe for dissatisfaction and frustration)

You’ll easily forget things that you’ve learned, so even if you ‘know’ a lot, you still end up sounding like it’s your first day playing bass.

And what happens if you spend any length of time on the YouTube Hamster Wheel?

You end up confused, overwhelmed, and for some – even thinking of quitting, like this student:

“I started in all energetic and enthusiastic…but I’ve just quit playing and am very sad about that. I’ve forgotten most of what I had learned and practiced so hard to accomplish.”

This is why the YouTube Hamster Wheel is a TRAP and one that must be avoided at all costs.

Thankfully, there’s an easy way to sidestep the Hamster Wheel completely.

How To Be Confident Jamming With Other Musicians

(Even if they have WAY more experience than you do…)

The opposite of the endless, disconnected random tutorials is simple:

Having a path to follow.

Once you know what to work on (and the order to learn things), it becomes relatively easy to get off the YouTube Hamster Wheel.

Then, instead of putting in MORE effort, you could actually put in less, and make way more improvements in your playing.

And if you do that, you’ll be less frustrated, you’ll have more fun, you won’t be spending hours working on things that lead nowhere and leave you overwhelmed and confused.

You can actually get good enough that the thought of jamming with other people, like your friends or family doesn’t seem so far-fetched anymore.

In fact, the thought of it starts to become exciting to you.

Then you’ll wonder:

 “Why didn’t I do this months earlier? YEARS earlier?”

When you have the proper guidance that the T-G-E Framework can give you, so many cool things can start happening. 

  • Your confidence lifts and confusion starts melting away (because you’re not being sent down more and more YouTube rabbit holes)
  • Your hands start doing what you want them to (sometimes without even thinking about it)
  • You can start to truly groove and make the music feel good (whether you’re playing along with recordings or with other musicians)
  • You can even start to pick out bass lines by ear (even if you don’t think you have ‘good’ ears)

And what does that mean for you and what you can do? Well you then have the option to do things like:

Join The 21-Day Beginner Bass Challenge

Instead of jumping from random video to random video, the Challenge lays out exactly what to do day-by-day and step-by-step, so you never have to wonder what you need to do to get better.

Here’s everything we’ll cover in the challenge:

Day 1 – How to use the A.B.M. Method to play great bass lines from day 1

Day 2 – How to use your plucking hand to craft a great tone using your current gear (and without needing to spend thousands on new stuff)

Day 3 – How to use M.V.P. concept to stop your bass buzzing like a chainsaw (without brute-forcing your fretting hand)

Day 4 – The ‘Natural Positioning Principle’ that lets you play for hours on end – pain free

Day 5 – The ‘weirdo’ solution to flying fingers (so you can play 2 or even 3 times faster)

Day 6 – How to master your single MOST important job as a bassist (and start creating your own bass lines at the same time)

Day 7 – The crucial (but often overlooked) ingredient that can make or break how your bass line FEELS (get this right, and musicians will fall over themselves to play with you)

Day 8 – How to start developing a rock solid sense of time; strong enough that entire bands will rely on you for the tempo

Day 9 – The deceptively simple rhythmic exercise that turns you into a MASTER of groove

Day 10 – Why you absolutely CAN learn to play by ear (even if you don’t have ‘good’ ears)

Day 11 – The four mission critical patterns that make hearing (and creating) bass lines infinitely easier

Day 12 – The single most USEFUL piece of musical knowledge you can use to start creating your own ‘expanded’ bass lines

Day 13 – The quickest and easiest way to instantly figure the key of any song

Day 14 – Two ‘High-Tech’ methods of banishing tabs and YouTube tutorials for good and finally deciphering bass lines for yourself

Day 15 – The absolute BEST, most ‘jammable’ genre to learn so you can start jamming with other musicians today

Days 16 and 17 – How to inject even more variety into your bass lines and create truly captivating bass lines

Day 18 – The easy way to get BEYOND roots, 3rds and 5ths in your bass lines so you can stop playing the same old things all the time

Day 19 – The ‘3-fret rule‘ that Paul McCartney and Carol Kaye use to create simple, but ultra-catchy bass lines

Day 20 – Three ready to use ‘plug-and-play’ bass fills/runs that are guaranteed to impress (and make your bass lines even MORE interesting)

Day 21 – How to create your own personalized practice routine so you can KEEP improving long after you’ve completed the challenge

Beginner Bass Bonuses

To make sure you never get stuck and to guarantee you get the most out of the challenge, you’ll also get access to these essential beginner bass bonuses:

BONUS #1 – 7 Killer Bass Lines That I Guarantee You Can Play With ZERO Experience As A Day-1 Beginner VALUE: $17

BONUS #2 – Hours of custom-made bass-specific practice tracks

BONUS #3 – tabs and notation for every day of the challenge VALUE: $27

BONUS #4 – Your Day-1 Beginner Bass Primer to make sure you’re ‘up to speed’ on crucial terms and can hit the ground running from the start VALUE: $17

BONUS #5 – The Key Certainty Technique that scientifically guarantees you figure out the right key every time VALUE: $17

BONUS #6 – What to do if you have small hands or hands that don’t ‘stretch’ the way a younger person’s hands do VALUE: $17

BONUS #7 – The ‘Four-Inch Ruler’ Rhythm Bootcamp: The No-Nonsense Guide To Rhythm As A Bassist VALUE: $7

ONLY $29

Usually ($131) 77% OFF

All prices in USD

I’m Luke from Become A Bassist and I specialize in helping beginner bassists get started (Or re-started)

Over the past 10 years, I’ve helped millions of beginner bassists through the videos on my YouTube channel.

Some of the videos on the Become A Bassist YouTube channel

But to me, what is WAY more important than how many views any of my videos have, is the results that my students have been able to get using my methods. 

I’ve helped absolute beginners do all kinds of things from creating their very first bass line on the fly:

Herm S.

“To actually do a bass line on the fly that makes sense and sounds good, it's kind of like, “Oh my gosh, I’m doing it!”. You’re doing it and you’re not even thinking about what your fingers are doing. Your mind is transported and it’s connecting with your fingers and it’s happening for you."

To helping them play without pain and with greater stamina:

Richard C.

“I am quite surprised how my fingers have stretched. I can now pick with my right hand fingers and can start with either the index or the middle finger and can play for long periods without any pain, strain or fatigue in any finger.”

To helping bassists learn the skill of playing by ear:

Some beginner students even got so serious that they turned ‘pro’:

Joel S.

“Just wanted to let you know how much you've helped me. Especially right at the start…I can't believe where I'm at now, I'm in 2 bands and one of them is a hard working band…Things are great, I'm a real bass player!”

I’ve spent decades figuring out exactly how to help beginners take their very first steps on bass and make meaningful progress (not just feel like they’re getting better).

It wasn’t always like this though. 

In fact, when I first started ‘teaching’ at the age of 17 (and being largely self-taught myself) I had no idea what I was doing…

Not only did I not know what to teach, but I didn’t even really know HOW anything.

Not a great combination…

And even though my students would practice and show up to all of our lessons, I found that they weren’t really making that much progress. 

So I made it my mission to figure out exactly what WORKED when teaching beginner bassists, so I tried teaching just about EVERYTHING…

  • Tabs
  • Sight reading notation
  • Scales
  • Specific styles
  • Music theory
  • Chords
  • Different techniques
  • Tons of different bass lines

And during those years of testing different methods, I gradually discovered that some things are essential for your playing, while others are only nice to have. 

So now, when a new student comes to me, I know that if I show them the T-G-E Framework and how to use it, they can make real progress in a fraction of the time.

And while I was developing the T-G-E Framework, I also got really good at explaining things specifically for beginners. 

Here’s just a few comments from beginning bassists who watched some of my lessons:

The 21-Day Beginner Bass Challenge is the culmination of decades of trial and error.

I put everything you NEED to know when you’re starting (or re-starting) on bass and stripped out absolutely everything else.

Christine C.

“The format of 21 days of bite sized chunks of information kept me engaged throughout. The overall framework of T-G-E provided a cohesive mental map of where we were going and a path to continued development. Brilliant…I seem to have gained a very clear understanding of a Bass playing world that I can actually achieve”

Who Is The Challenge RIGHT For?

The 21-Day Beginner Bass Challenge is perfect for 4 types of people:

#1 – The Day-1 Beginner

If you’re at the very start of your bass-playing journey, then starting off with a proven pathway is essential!

Without it, you run the risk of:


  • Physically injuring yourself (a mistake that nearly forced me to quit when I started playing)
  • Other people hating to play with you (when you get to that step)
  • Being constantly chained to tab sites and YouTube tutorials for learning even simple bass lines
  • Becoming an ‘endless’ beginner because you don’t really know how to improve


The 21-Day Beginner Bass Challenge will show you exactly what to do, step-by-step so you don’t end up in the ‘endless beginner loop’ and ensure that you actually get a little bit better every day.

Jack L.

“I was a total beginner, starting something new at 70…The shapes and scales are game changing for starting out. Still working through it and circling back but the framework gives me the confidence I will progress…Your approach was perfect for me.”

#2 – The Later-In-Life ‘Restarter’

Tons of my students have similar stories:


  • They played bass when they were much younger
  • They gave it up to pursue their careers, take care of families, build their lives etc.
  • Now that they’re older and have more time, they come back to the bass after decades of not playing at all


And now it’s like they’re starting from square one all over again. 

If this sounds like you, then the 21-Day Beginner Bass Challenge is a great fit because it’ll get you back into shape quickly so you can do the things that you actually want to do with your bass.

Things like jamming with your buddies – or even family – on the weekends, playing with the worship team at your church, or even just playing along to the bass lines on your favorite songs.

Mikko V.

“I've been interested in bass guitar since I was in my teens. Now 50 years later I'm still interested in bass…My left hand fingering technique is going better as well as synchronizing my left and right hand fingers… I feel much much more confident to play bass than earlier. Your way of teaching is so nice and clear. Thank you!”

#3 – The ‘Gaps-In-My-Knowledge’ Student

If you’ve found yourself going down the YouTube tutorial rabbit hole – just randomly going from 1 video to the next, it’s totally normal that you’d have some gaps in your knowledge.

Unfortunately, some of THE most important things to learn as a beginner aren’t the kinds of things that get put up as tutorials on YouTube. (They’re not particularly ‘fancy’ or ‘flashy’)

The 21-Day Beginner Bass Challenge will make sure that if you do have any gaps in your essential knowledge, they will be filled and your fundamentals will be rock solid.

And when your fundamentals are solid, it makes absolutely everything else so much easier (and quicker) to master.

Charles C.

I was on the hamster wheel and did not realize it. I had useless bits and pieces... but I was stuck, frustrated and down…[the Challenge] was fun, educational, informative in every area and it was laid out in a great learning pattern that took all frustrations away. I have never in my life understood more, better, useful information that works.”

#4 – The ‘Adding Bass To My Arsenal’ Student

Did you know that MOST bass players didn’t start out on bass.

For most bassists (including me), bass was their 2nd, 3rd, 4th or even ‘more-th’ instrument. 

Whether you’re a drummer wanting to see what it’s like on the other side of the kit… 

Or a guitarist who’s looking to ‘convert’ to bass… 

The 21-Day Beginner Bass Challenge will get you started the right way so you can very quickly ‘unlock’ the musicality you already have and simply apply it to the bass.

Kyle H.

"I've played guitar for 30 years but never progressed beyond low-intermediate level…Every time I put on one of the practice tracks in Day 16 (major 1-2-3 and 1-5-6) or Day 17 (minor 1-3-4 and 1-5-7) I was transported to a place where I could actually play something interesting and beautiful - melodic and in time. This experience is truly addictive.”

My Unbeatable 60-Day Money Back Guarantee

The goal of The 21-Day Become A Bassist Challenge is to give you everythingyou need to create get beyond the beginner stage so you can do things like:

  • Jam with others confidently
  • Join in with your worship band
  • Or even just play along to your favorite songs on YouTube

After the three weeks of the challenge, I’m certain you’ll be infinitely more confident in your ability to create music on the spot, with more experienced musicians and be able to pull your weight and actually contribute to the songs you’re playing.

But I also want to give you the best possible chance of learning how to do all these things and that’s why The Beginner Bass Challenge comes with a rock solid 60-day money back guarantee.

Here’s how it works:

Try out the challenge risk-free for 60 days. Watch the videos, download the PDFs, and do the exercises.

60 days covers the entire length of the challenge nearly three times over, so there’s more than enough time to really sink your teeth into the material and start improving.

If you don’t like the course for any reason or you don’t see the results you want, just email the student support team within 60 days of joining and I’ll refund every cent. I believe in the challenge I’ve created and I want to make sure there’s absolutely no risk for you to join.

Join The Challenge For A FRACTION Of The Cost Of A Single Lesson

A 1-on-1 lesson with a good teacher will cost you roughly $75 an hour. 

And that’s for a SINGLE lesson.

And that’s with ZERO guarantee that the teacher teaches in a way that works for you. (Some bassists are great players, but not so great at teaching…)

If you worked with a teacher for 21 lessons, the cost balloons out to $1,575…

With the 21 lessons in the challenge, plus all the bonus material, it would be fair if I charged even one tenth of that ($150+).

But I don’t want to do that.

I want to make it as easy as possible for beginner bassists to get started and make meaningful progress with their playing. 

That’s why I didn’t price the challenge at $150, $100 or even $50. 

You can try the challenge completely risk-free for just $27. 

That’s half the price of a new pair of strings…

Or one-third of the cost of a new pedal…

Or just one-twentieth the cost of an entry level bass.

But unlike new strings, pedals or basses, the things you’ll learn inside the challenge will stay with you for life. 

I’m certain it will be the single best investment in your bass playing journey.

But don’t take my word for it. 

Try the challenge out, see what difference it makes for your playing.

Then you can decide whether it’s right for you or not. 

Join The 21-Day Beginner Bass Challenge

Instead of jumping from random video to random video, the Challenge lays out exactly what to do day-by-day and step-by-step, so you never have to wonder what you need to do to get better.

Here’s everything we’ll cover in the challenge:

Day 1 – How to use the A.B.M. Method to play great bass lines from day 1

Day 2 – How to use your plucking hand to craft a great tone using your current gear (and without needing to spend thousands on new stuff)

Day 3 – How to use M.V.P. concept to stop your bass buzzing like a chainsaw (without brute-forcing your fretting hand)

Day 4 – The ‘Natural Positioning Principle’ that lets you play for hours on end – pain free

Day 5 – The ‘weirdo’ solution to flying fingers (so you can play 2 or even 3 times faster)

Day 6 – How to master your single MOST important job as a bassist (and start creating your own bass lines at the same time)

Day 7 – The crucial (but often overlooked) ingredient that can make or break how your bass line FEELS (get this right, and musicians will fall over themselves to play with you)

Day 8 – How to start developing a rock solid sense of time; strong enough that entire bands will rely on you for the tempo

Day 9 – The deceptively simple rhythmic exercise that turns you into a MASTER of groove

Day 10 – Why you absolutely CAN learn to play by ear (even if you don’t have ‘good’ ears)

Day 11 – The four mission critical patterns that make hearing (and creating) bass lines infinitely easier

Day 12 – The single most USEFUL piece of musical knowledge you can use to start creating your own ‘expanded’ bass lines

Day 13 – The quickest and easiest way to instantly figure the key of any song

Day 14 – Two ‘High-Tech’ methods of banishing tabs and YouTube tutorials for good and finally deciphering bass lines for yourself

Day 15 – The absolute BEST, most ‘jammable’ genre to learn so you can start jamming with other musicians today

Days 16 and 17 – How to inject even more variety into your bass lines and create truly captivating bass lines

Day 18 – The easy way to get BEYOND roots, 3rds and 5ths in your bass lines so you can stop playing the same old things all the time

Day 19 – The ‘3-fret rule‘ that Paul McCartney and Carol Kaye use to create simple, but ultra-catchy bass lines

Day 20 – Three ready to use ‘plug-and-play’ bass fills/runs that are guaranteed to impress (and make your bass lines even MORE interesting)

Day 21 – How to create your own personalized practice routine so you can KEEP improving long after you’ve completed the challenge

Beginner Bass Bonuses

To make sure you never get stuck and to guarantee you get the most out of the challenge, you’ll also get access to these essential beginner bass bonuses:

BONUS #1 – 7 Killer Bass Lines That I Guarantee You Can Play With ZERO Experience As A Day-1 Beginner VALUE: $17

BONUS #2 – Hours of custom-made bass-specific practice tracks

BONUS #3 – tabs and notation for every day of the challenge VALUE: $27

BONUS #4 – Your Day-1 Beginner Bass Primer to make sure you’re ‘up to speed’ on crucial terms and can hit the ground running from the start VALUE: $17

BONUS #5 – The Key Certainty Technique that scientifically guarantees you figure out the right key every time VALUE: $17

BONUS #6 – What to do if you have small hands or hands that don’t ‘stretch’ the way a younger person’s hands do VALUE: $17

BONUS #7 – The ‘Four-Inch Ruler’ Rhythm Bootcamp: The No-Nonsense Guide To Rhythm As A Bassist VALUE: $7

ONLY $29

Usually ($131) 77% OFF

All prices in USD

Frequently Asked Questions

Unlike some online courses, the goal with the challenge is NOT to overwhelm you with hours and hours of videos (or try to ‘impress’ you with how much stuff there is…)

That just leads to frustration. 

Instead, the challenge is very different.

When you join, you’ll be sent just one short video every day for 21 days.

Each bite-sized lesson contains an exercise or bass line that you can learn in just 20 minutes (with the option to go longer if you wish).

Every single day, you’ll know exactly what you’re doing to meaningfully improve your playing – not ‘guessing’ or getting overwhelmed by the avalanche of bass lesson videos online… 

Or getting frustrated with courses that have hundreds of hours of content and an Everest-level learning curve.

The challenge is short, sweet, to the point, and a bunch of fun as well. 

You will have lifetime access to the challenge.

Even after you’ve gone through the 21 days of the challenge, you’ll still have access to everything – the videos, practice tracks, PDFs, exercises so you can keep improving long after the 3 weeks of the challenge has passed.

In fact, I’d recommend that you actually go through the challenge multiple times; I can almost guarantee you’ll get something new out of it every time you go through.

You could spend literal decades just watching bass tutorials online – and that’s without even doing any practice on your own bass.

The 21-Day Beginner Bass Challenge is different. 

You won’t be dumped into some members’ area with hundreds of videos with thousands of hours of content you have to slog through.

Instead, every day, you’ll be sent a single video with a single exercise that will get you one step closer to being a competent bassist.

And these videos aren’t hours-long masterclasses; they’re quick, digestible, and most importantly filled with exercises you can actually do on the spot (instead of needing hours of background information to understand it)

My goal for you is to spend 20 minutes a day watching and practicing the exercises, drills and bass lines in the videos.

Of course, if you want, you can extend those exercises out to 30 minutes or even an hour if you’re really enjoying them.

If you can find just 20 minutes a day for the next 21 days, you can see yourself go from ‘rank beginner’ to ‘competent bassist’. 

The 21-Day Beginner Bass Challenge will actually SAVE you hours, weeks or even months of going down rabbit holes that aren’t helpful – or are even downright harmful to you.

Absolutely not!

In my opinion, it’s never too late to capture the joy of playing music.

However, if you are an older adult beginner, things CAN be more challenging for you – especially when it comes to stretching your fingers and building dexterity – but I built the challenge with you in mind.

That’s why every exercise, lick and bass line comes with alternative (and much friendlier) fingerings. 

These make sure that you’re NOT forced to use the dreaded ‘1-finger-per-fret’ kind of technique that so many bass teachers blindly advocate for (even though it’s not always suitable for adult beginners or for students with smaller hands)

I have adult students in their 80s and even their 90s who have used the bass to have a great time, keep their minds active and make some great music. 

If they can do it, then so can you.

If you play a U-Bass (bass ukulele), you will still get the full benefits from the challenge. The concepts in all the days of the challenge translate perfectly well to the U-Bass.

And in the rare occasions where an exercise or bass line would need to be adjusted for the U-Bass, I make it crystal clear for you in the challenge.

However, if you’re tackling the upright bass (also called the ‘upright/standup/acoustic’ bass), I wouldn’t recommend you join the challenge. 

Instead I’d recommend you get a lesson (or multiple lessons) with a teacher who really knows what they’re doing and who can adjust your technique in-person.

The upright is a very different instrument when it comes to technique and it’s very important that you get that right, otherwise you can do some serious damage to your hands very quickly.

In short – no. 

Slap bass and playing fast in general is not the focus of this challenge; mainly because slapping and ‘shredding’ are more advanced techniques. 

I wouldn’t recommend you dive into those without first covering the fundamentals that you’ll learn in your first 21 days.

Instead, in the challenge, you’ll lay the groundwork so that if you DO decide you want to learn to slap or play fast or any other ‘advanced’ concept, you’ll be 100% ready for it. 

Your technique will be solid enough that you’ll be able to actually play the things you want. 

Your groove will be strong enough that you’ll play in a way that feels really good. 

Your ability to truly hear the music and create something on the spot will be well-developed.

Which means anything from the more ‘advanced’ categories will be so much easier and you’ll master them so much quicker.

Let me be super clear.

The 21-Day Beginner Bass Challenge will not take you to ‘professional’ level in 21 days. 

That’s simply not realistic (and anyone promising to make a Day-1 beginner into a professional in less than a month is probably not being truthful with you).

However, what this challenge WILL give you is the best possible start (or restart) to your bass-playing journey.

At the end, you may even surprise yourself at what you feel confident doing. Things like:


  • Playing with other people and creating bass lines that go beyond the ‘same-old same-old’ things you always play
  • Grooving hard with other musicians – in a way that makes them smile and makes them want to play with you more
  • Picking out some of your favorite bass lines – without needing to look up the tabs or a YouTube tutorial


Will you be ready for Madison Square Garden in a month? 

Probably not…

But could you be ready to figure out and play some of the bass lines from your favorite songs? Or even feel confident to go to a back garden jam session with some friends or family?


And the challenge can help you get there.

We accept all major credit cards and PayPal. Should you have any problems with your payment: please contact us by clicking the ‘Contact Us’ button below.

We don’t offer any payment plans for the Challenge as it’s already very affordable as it is. 

The 21-Day Beginner Bass Challenge comes with a 100% money back guarantee.

If you don’t love it, just send an email to our support team within 60 days and get your money back – no questions asked.

You’ll get lifetime access to all 21 challenge lessons which will allow you to watch (and do all the challenge tasks) on your schedule.

Watch and learn as much as you want and take full advantage of the tabs, tracks and notation from the challenge. If you aren’t satisfied for any reason, we’ll refund your money.

Don’t Let Your Bass Gather DUST

I know you didn’t start playing bass just so your instrument could just sit undisturbed in its case, or hanging on the wall gathering dust

I don’t want that for you (or your bass).

And I know you don’t want to get stuck on the YouTube Hamster Wheel; confused, overwhelmed and on the verge of giving up. 

Instead, I want to offer you a shortcut.

Rather than trawling through YouTube, gathering ‘tip soup’ on the Hamster wheel, you can take 20 minutes every day and know EXACTLY what you can do to improve your bass playing. 

So if you’re stuck on that hamster wheel right now – or if you’ve ever been so frustrated that you got close to quitting entirely  – I think the 21-Day Beginner Bass Challenge can help.

If you’re ready, I’d be honored to have you as a student in the challenge.

Join The 21-Day Beginner Bass Challenge

Instead of jumping from random video to random video, the Challenge lays out exactly what to do day-by-day and step-by-step, so you never have to wonder what you need to do to get better.

Here’s everything we’ll cover in the challenge:

Day 1 – How to use the A.B.M. Method to play great bass lines from day 1

Day 2 – How to use your plucking hand to craft a great tone using your current gear (and without needing to spend thousands on new stuff)

Day 3 – How to use M.V.P. concept to stop your bass buzzing like a chainsaw (without brute-forcing your fretting hand)

Day 4 – The ‘Natural Positioning Principle’ that lets you play for hours on end – pain free

Day 5 – The ‘weirdo’ solution to flying fingers (so you can play 2 or even 3 times faster)

Day 6 – How to master your single MOST important job as a bassist (and start creating your own bass lines at the same time)

Day 7 – The crucial (but often overlooked) ingredient that can make or break how your bass line FEELS (get this right, and musicians will fall over themselves to play with you)

Day 8 – How to start developing a rock solid sense of time; strong enough that entire bands will rely on you for the tempo

Day 9 – The deceptively simple rhythmic exercise that turns you into a MASTER of groove

Day 10 – Why you absolutely CAN learn to play by ear (even if you don’t have ‘good’ ears)

Day 11 – The four mission critical patterns that make hearing (and creating) bass lines infinitely easier

Day 12 – The single most USEFUL piece of musical knowledge you can use to start creating your own ‘expanded’ bass lines

Day 13 – The quickest and easiest way to instantly figure the key of any song

Day 14 – Two ‘High-Tech’ methods of banishing tabs and YouTube tutorials for good and finally deciphering bass lines for yourself

Day 15 – The absolute BEST, most ‘jammable’ genre to learn so you can start jamming with other musicians today

Days 16 and 17 – How to inject even more variety into your bass lines and create truly captivating bass lines

Day 18 – The easy way to get BEYOND roots, 3rds and 5ths in your bass lines so you can stop playing the same old things all the time

Day 19 – The ‘3-fret rule‘ that Paul McCartney and Carol Kaye use to create simple, but ultra-catchy bass lines

Day 20 – Three ready to use ‘plug-and-play’ bass fills/runs that are guaranteed to impress (and make your bass lines even MORE interesting)

Day 21 – How to create your own personalized practice routine so you can KEEP improving long after you’ve completed the challenge

Beginner Bass Bonuses

To make sure you never get stuck and to guarantee you get the most out of the challenge, you’ll also get access to these essential beginner bass bonuses:

BONUS #1 – 7 Killer Bass Lines That I Guarantee You Can Play With ZERO Experience As A Day-1 Beginner VALUE: $17

BONUS #2 – Hours of custom-made bass-specific practice tracks

BONUS #3 – tabs and notation for every day of the challenge VALUE: $27

BONUS #4 – Your Day-1 Beginner Bass Primer to make sure you’re ‘up to speed’ on crucial terms and can hit the ground running from the start VALUE: $17

BONUS #5 – The Key Certainty Technique that scientifically guarantees you figure out the right key every time VALUE: $17

BONUS #6 – What to do if you have small hands or hands that don’t ‘stretch’ the way a younger person’s hands do VALUE: $17

BONUS #7 – The ‘Four-Inch Ruler’ Rhythm Bootcamp: The No-Nonsense Guide To Rhythm As A Bassist VALUE: $7

ONLY $29

Usually ($131) 77% OFF

All prices in USD