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Welcome To The 21-Day Beginner Bass Challenge.

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In the meantime, take advantage of this special one-time offer for new students:

The SINGLE fastest way to start jamming with other musicians (even if they’re WAY more experienced than you…)

If you get a group of musicians who’ve never played together before, nobody knows what songs everybody else can play. 

And in these situations, you can bet that 90+% of the time, someone ends up saying:

"Let's play a blues..."

But blues ISN’T just for 'experienced' musicians. 

In fact, blues is the PERFECT genre for beginners because it’s:

  • Easy to get started (so you can actually USE the things you’re learning)
  • Super widely played (so you can play it with other people really quickly)
  • Unbelievably cool

My course Rock Solid Blues Bassist is closed for enrolments right now, but because blues really is the perfect starting genre for a beginner, I’m allowing the challenge students to add it to their orders - this week only.

The 4-week system of ‘Simulated Jam Sessions’ that will unleash a torrent of authentic blues lines, show you how to play them with a rock solid groove, and finally hold your own with more experienced musicians

Here’s Everything You’re Getting When You Add Rock Solid Blues Bassist To Your Order:

  • A proven system that shows you exactly how you can start jamming blues music with others TODAY. (Not weeks, months or years from now but today…)
  • 28 specifically curated ‘Simulated Jam Session’ tracks for every day of the course that almost force you to learn how to play blues
  • The ‘secrets’ of the great blues bassists that guarantee that they always have the perfect bass line to play - and their playing is NEVER boring
  • Beginner-friendly  walking bass devices that are perfect for connecting all the chords in a blues (and impressing even the most discerning blues musicians)
  • 8+ hours of pre-recorded Q&A calls (so you never get stuck for more than a day)

After Going Through The 4 Weeks Of The Course, You Will Be Able To:

  • Use the ‘Blues Bass Transformation Method' to multiply your bass line ideas and create hundreds of interesting bass line variations (so your playing will never be boring or repetitive)
  • Hear your way through any blues progression using the ‘Sixth Sense’ method (even if you’ve never played that blues before and even if it’s not a ‘standard’ progression)
  • Use the language of blues in a way that means you’ll never forget it
  • Play the song-specific ‘back-pocket’ riffs that you NEED to have in your arsenal to be jam-session ready
  • Instantly tell the incredibly subtle difference between something that is ‘bluesy’ vs. something that is actually a blues
  • Be a ‘competent contributor’ to the music and keep things interesting (instead just playing the same blues pattern you've been playing for years)

Have a look at what some previous RSBB students said after going through course:


“I learned things on Thursday night in the class that I could go right into my band and apply without having to practice for six weeks. I could immediately try different structures and put it to use.”

Dave M. 


“This morning I taped myself trying to play with three of the [Simulated Jam Sessions] and one of them I was actually coming out with just like really cool little diagonal walking patterns between the 5 and the 4 and the 1 on the turnaround that are nothing like I've ever played before…It’s like the most interesting bass line I’ve ever played - that’s for sure.” 

Joel S.


“It was really fun. Other classes were great, but for some reason, this class was kind of like…BOOM! You can really use it and say “OK, maybe I CAN get to the point where I can go to a blues jam and actually not embarrass myself.

Veronica N.