Get The Beginner Bass Player's Roadmap

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It can be nearly impossible to figure out exactly what to practice and the order to learn everything in. And even worse - if you try to learn the wrong things or learn them in the wrong order, chances are you’ll never see your playing improve, or even worse, you can actually do damage to your body that stops you playing permanently.

In the Become A Bassist Beginners Starter Pack though, you’ll get the roadmap that I wish I had when I was just starting out on bass. No guessing what to learn next or working on things that don’t help you’re playing - and it’s all free.

  • The ‘deadly’ bass player mistake that cripples your ability to play bass forever, plus how to avoid it and play pain-free for years to come
  • The 3 things to practice that will put you ahead of 95% of other bass players (plus the order to learn them in so you know exactly what to do every step of the way)
  • Save yourself months (or even years) of frustration and confusion and start making great music today - jamming with your buddies, your worship team or even just playing along with your favorite recordings

Enter your name and email address below and I’ll send you the beginner bass player’s starter pack (9 videos plus a 14-page PDF guide) that you can use to start playing pain-free and with a rock-solid groove.

It’s some of my best material, perfect for brand new bass players or players who want to start making real progress instead of sounding the same year after year.

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