
The Critical Mass Bass Line Challenge is designed to take a bass line beginner or a ‘stuck-in-a-bass-line-rut’ bassist and give you the skills to become the kind of bassist who can create melodic, interesting and in-the-pocket bass lines. Over the next 14 days, you will learn how to:


✅ Create bass lines that you can be proud of and that you know will work perfectly
✅Get out of your ‘bass line rut’ (where you just play the same patterns over and over)
✅ Meaningfully contribute to the music any time you’re playing with other musicians and earn your place among them


Even if you:

❌ Don’t know the first thing about music theory
❌Think you ‘aren’t creative‘ (creativity is actually a skill that YOU can learn)
❌Feel like you’re playing the same riffs and licks over and over again

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"My fingers "learned" on their own to slur, hammer on, pull off and slide....truly magical for me. Had been trying to teach them for years - something about the forced practice of a specific idea for extended time of ten minutes "freed" them to finally learn I think."
Faye B.
"I just started playing live again and my ability to go up and down the fretboard has increased drastically. I feel like I can play bass and perform interesting bass lines for hours!!!!"
Eddie G.
"I feel overall more confident about developing bass lines with more ideas to explore. This challenge has helped me better understand [bass lines]...and where I can make my own interpretations while keeping the original intent…Overall, as a relative beginner, this course has been awesome”
Carlo P.

✅ 14 bite-sized lessons designed to improve your bass lines – FAST

✅ The powerful ‘Critical Mass Framework’ that virtually guarantees you’ll get out of any ‘bass-line-rut’

✅ Gain the confidence to start making real music with real people

✅ Daily ‘challenge tasks’ to ensure you follow through

✅ 5 Free Bonuses (How to model your favorite bass lines and develop a personal ‘style‘, 7 hours of custom practice tracks, tabs & notation for every example and exercise, 14 step-by-step challenge cheat sheets, How to use bass line ‘modeling’ to simplify complicated lines, but keep the same ‘vibe’