I talked to 1,253 beginner bass players and the thing they kept telling me was:
"I just don't know where to start"
Do you know what the most common thing that stops beginner bass players from improving? It’s not laziness or time.
It’s confusion.
If you're confused as a beginner - it's understandable. Just look at this:
4,000+ books on Amazon? 2.3 million+ videos on YouTube? 8.5 million+ results on Google?!? It would literally take decades to go through it all.
Is it any wonder that learning bass can be confusing?
And that isn't even the worst part. All these millions of videos, books and articles all tell you to practice different things:
The list goes on...
Not only are there literally millions of these lessons and articles, but the vast majority of them are far too complicated for a beginner.
You see - it’s more fun for the teachers in these lessons to talk about the advanced stuff that interests THEM rather than helping out the bass players who aren’t at that level yet. (This is a mistake that I’ve made myself)
Even if you do decide to focus on just one thing - there are thousands of ways you could go about improving it.
- How do you know which method will work?
- Which exercises will actually make a difference in your playing?
- And which ones will just waste your time?
- Should you focus on learning scales?
- Or maybe learning songs would be better?
- And how do you know when something is 'good enough' and it’s time to move on to something different?
The Tragedy Of 'Tip Soup'
For most beginning bass players, when they want to learn something new or level up some aspect of their playing, the first place they go is YouTube. But if you want to make real, meaningful improvements, random YouTube videos and random internet articles don’t work.
Why not?
Because while the information in them might be great, there’s no structure. You watch a video about slap bass, then you look at an ear training video, then a pentatonic lick, a theory article…
What you end up with is ‘tip soup’. You’ve got all these ‘tips’, but no way to put them together and actually get better. Sure - you might learn a new idea, get a new lick - but do you know how you can apply that to your own playing right now? Can you put it all together and make a meaningful difference in your playing?
Plus, if you’re spending a lot of time on YouTube, you run the very real risk of falling down a rabbit hole where you spend hours watching completely unrelated videos while your bass just sits unplayed.
And you didn’t buy your bass so it can sit in the corner collecting dust…
"Can't I learn from books?"
I love books! They are great for tons of things, but when it comes to learning bass, there’s something missing. Most bass books either gloss over the most important parts that beginners need to know or they leave them out entirely.
Learning bass is just one of those things that doesn’t translate well to the page. You need to see what good bass playing looks like. You need to see what bad bass playing looks like as well so you can avoid it! You also need to hear the the difference between rock solid playing and sloppy fumbling.
As much as I love books and they’re a great resource for learning certain theoretical ideas, they just don’t stack up when it comes to learning how to actually play the bass.
"What about in-person lessons?"
The other option you have is to get in-person lessons from a local teacher near you. I actually recommend getting in-person lessons to pretty much everyone - especially beginners. A good teacher is worth their weight in gold!
A great instructor will be able to look at your playing and very quickly tell you what you’re doing well and what you need to improve. They can also physically adjust your body so you don’t develop any of the bad habits that can cause injuries that stop you playing permanently.
So what’s the catch?
Well - not all teachers are good.
Some might be great players but don’t know how to teach what they intuitively know. Others might only teach you the things that THEY want to talk about rather than the things you want to learn. Some may not care about the students and are just looking to make a few bucks.
Some ‘bass teachers’ are actually guitarists who don’t understand the mindset of playing bass - or they think bass is just an ‘easier’ version of guitar. (It’s not)
There’s also the cost of lessons, which can get pretty expensive. If you start a search for a good teacher, you might try 3 or 4 before you find a good one, which means the process of finding your teacher can cost you hundreds of dollars - and that’s before you’ve even started learning anything useful.
Then there’s the ongoing costs. For example, if a student had a weekly lesson with me for a full year, the cost would be more than $3,000.
The Hidden Dangers Of Teaching Yourself
When I started playing bass, I didn’t take any lessons. Like a lot of people, I just wanted to play my favorite songs with my friends. I didn’t even really think about how to play the bass. I just watched other people do it and tried my best to copy them.
This worked well...for a while.
After a few months of playing, I started feeling this ‘tingle’ in my left wrist. At first, I didn’t think anything of it. It didn’t even occur to me that it could be related to my bass playing.
Slowly, the tingle grew into a dull throb, then an ache, and eventually, I’d get these sharp, shooting pains in my wrist anytime I picked up my bass to play.
So I visited a doctor to see if there was anything I could do to stop the pain. And what did he tell me?
To buy a wrist brace and to stop playing bass.
I didn’t like this at all. I couldn’t just stop playing music! It was my favorite thing in the whole world! I wasn’t going to just stop playing for the rest of my life.
So I did the next best thing - I got my very first lesson with a local bass player. Luckily, he was a smart guy and immediately saw that the problem was with some terrible habits that were born and festered while I tried to teach myself.
I spent months unlearning these bad habits and replacing them with new, more helpful ones.
I lost all this time and caused myself all this pain because I took the same chaotic approach that most beginners take.
I learned a song or three, discovered Victor Wooten, so I tried slap bass, I got fanatical about gear and effects - a classic beginner error. I looked at scales, arpeggios, improvising - everything I could think of. I was so obsessed with so many things when I should have focused on just three...
The Three Pillars Of Rock Solid Bass Playing
What if you took all the hundreds of things you could be learning and cut that down to just three elements? And what if you knew the perfect order to learn them in?
After more than a decade of playing music professionally and working with hundreds of students I gradually discovered what actually matters when you’re starting out - and what you can completely ignore.
You see - some things are essential for your playing, while others are nice to have. Beginners run into problems when they work on the things that are nice to have without taking care of the essentials.
So what are the essentials?
I call these the 3 Pillars Of Rock Solid Bass Playing.
Groove is your ability to play in time and make the music feel good. If you’re ever wanting to play with other people, you need to be able to do this. Otherwise, the band you’re playing with will fall apart.
A strong groove is critical - even if you’re just playing along with recordings by yourself. Can you imagine a great bass player who can’t play in time? Of course not! Playing in time is one of our most vital functions as bass players!
If your groove and your timing aren’t there, you won’t sound any good and that’s not going to be fun for anyone - even if you’re just playing songs by yourself.
Developing your ear is also a huge win because it means you can start to learn songs for yourself - without having to use questionable tab sites. Instead, you can listen to your favorite songs and figure out exactly how to play them by ear.
It also means that you can ‘hear’ your way through songs you’ve never even heard before. This gives you the power to learn songs in minutes, and the ability to play with just about any musician in the world.
While a strong groove and training your ear are essential pieces of the puzzle, they aren’t what I recommend you focus on first.
The Pillar To Work On First? Your Technique
Technique is how you use your body to get the sound out of your mind, on to your bass and into the world. It’s how you physically play your instrument.
If you’re self-taught, like I was when I started, you probably haven’t really thought too much about technique. You probably just saw other people playing and tried to do what they were doing.
But using helpful technique is one of the biggest wins for your bass playing. It affects every other aspect of your playing and when you do it right, it makes everything easier.
If your technique hurts your body, you can have all the groove in the world and the strongest ear, and you’ll still fail as a bass player.
Because if your technique only lets your play for a couple of songs before you start getting sore or your hands start cramping up, then you’ll never be able to do the things you really want to do.
You’ll never be able to master the songs you really want to play.
You’ll never be able to unlearn the bad habits that choke your efforts to improve your playing.
You’ll never have the confidence to be able to play with other people.
If you start off with poor technique, you’re setting yourself up for disaster later on. It’s like doing some dodgy math when you’re preparing for a rocket launch. Even one small miscalculation at the beginning means catastrophe later on.
What does this catastrophe look like for you and your playing? At the mild end of the spectrum, it could mean constant pain when you play - or even when you’re not playing. On the extreme end, it means you’ll be forced to stop playing bass forever.
Using helpful technique is the difference between:
This is what using ‘good’ technique can do for you, but most people don’t give a second thought to how they use their bodies to get the sound out of their bass.
It’s much easier (and satisfying) to just find the right notes and frets than to unlearn bad habits and replace them with more helpful ones.
Technique Isn't Magic - It's A Skill
That’s right - technique isn’t something that some people just naturally have. It’s a skill (or more accurately, a set of skills). And like any skill, it’s something you can learn to improve, and eventually, perfect.
Nobody is born knowing how to play bass - we all start somewhere. The question is how do you want to start?
Do you want to start with potentially dangerous technique? The kind of technique that damages your body, cramps up your hands and stops you from making the music you know you have inside you?
Starting with dodgy technique breeds bad habits that kill your progress and can stop you playing permanently - it nearly sidelined me from playing bass forever.
Wouldn’t you rather start with a solid foundation that you’ll have for the rest of your life? The kind of technique that will get you playing with other people faster than you hoped - the technique that fills you with the confidence to tackle any musical challenge you can imagine?
You CAN Learn Rock Solid Technique - You Just Need A System To Do It
What if you knew exactly how to start from the beginning and systematically level up your technique without:
- Endlessly and hopelessly searching YouTube
- Pouring over (largely useless) books that don’t deal with technique
- Spending thousands of dollars on in-person lessons
- Making the beginner mistakes that can do serious, irreversible damage to your hands and body
- Getting confused, frustrated and giving up
What would that mean for you?
Having solid technique means you’d be able to play faster, cleaner and with a beautiful sound.
It means playing for hours at a time without hand cramps, or any annoying (potentially unbearable) pains in your body.
It means your bass would finally feel like an extension of your body that works with you rather than a big wooden plank that’s fighting against you every step of the way.
Instead of being nervous and afraid to play with other people, you could have the confidence to play music with your family, some of your buddies - or maybe even become the bassist at your church or jump up at a jam session or open mic night.
With solid technique, you may even want to start tackling your ‘bucket list songs’ - the ones you’ve always wanted to play, but have been just a little too difficult for you. And you’d know that even if they’re difficult, you have the knowledge to learn how to play them for yourself.
This is what happens when you take your technique to the next level.
Solid technique makes everything easier, and when it’s easier, you have more fun and you can focus on making the best music possible instead of merely ‘surviving’ every song you play.
Thousands of other people have learned the skill of technique, and you can too.
Level Up Your Technique
No more random ‘tips’ or ‘tricks’ - just a system that shows you where to start, the exact steps to take your bass playing to the next level in as little as 10 minutes a day
Level Up Your Technique is my brand new online course designed to show you the exact steps to getting your technique to the next level so you can play with supreme confidence every time you pick up your bass.
Even if:
- You're a total beginner
- You haven’t played in years
- You think you’re ‘too old’ to learn (Hint - you're not)
- You don't know where to start
- You don’t have much time
- You have ‘bad habits’ you need to break
This is a laser-focused program that will isolate and improve the 5 core aspects of your technique - the ones that will make the most difference, and do it quickly.
You won’t be forced to figure it out for yourself or go through the confusion of what practice and how to practice it.
Level Up Your Technique gives you the exact steps to take your technique from non-existent to acceptable, then good, and eventually, you can perfect your technique.
You’ll never have to worry about bad habits causing you pain and putting you out of action. Instead, you’ll know exactly what to do if you start feeling the tiniest pinch of soreness.
You’ll never be confused about what you should practice next - there’s a logical flow to the course that’s easy to follow.
You’ll never be nervous picking up your bass to play in front of other people. Once you get your technique under control, you’ll have that skill for the rest of your life - a skill that gives you the courage to tackle any musical situation.
Here's What You'll Learn In The Course
Level Up Your Technique takes the 5 fundamental elements of your technique and shows you exactly how to use each one on its own. Each concept has a video dedicated to explaining the idea, and one video the explains how to apply that idea to your playing.
The idea is that you'd go straight from learning a new concept to using that idea on your bass. Then you can bring it together everything you learn and systematically take your playing to the next level.
Concept One: The Ultimate Technique-Building Exercise
This is not the kind of course where you’ll be overwhelmed trying to learn 1000’s of complicated exercises. In fact, you’ll be focusing on just one kind of exercise and using it to hone your technique to perfection.
- The terrible advice that most bassists get when it comes to their technique
- The unconventional method to break a 'flying fingers' habit
- The fretting hand blunder that stifles your dexterity
- My surprising recommendation for practicing technique exercises that makes everything you play easier
- How to get your hands coordinated so they’re never ‘out of sync’ again
- Cheryl R: LUYT Graduate![]()
As I progressed through the exercises I could see improvement in the sound both with fretting and plucking. I still have a lot of room for improvement, though, but now I know what to do...For someone like me who is learning completely on my own, this course is well worth it. It was something I really needed.
Concept Two: The Natural Positioning Principle
If I had known of this principle when I first started, I never would have ended up in agony every time I played. The Natural Positioning Principle will show you exactly how to fix bad habits before they become a problem for you - and what to do instead to get control of your bass.
- The most critical, but overlooked aspect of your bass technique
- The weird advice your parents gave you that applies directly to your bass playing
- The dangerous 'red flags' your body gives you when you're playing with bad technique
- The simple fix to fretting hand pain and plucking hand pain
- The 'common sense' phrase that has absolutely no place in your bass playing
Concept Three: The Painted Room Concept
If you find yourself getting hand cramps or getting tired after a few songs, then The Painted Room Concept could be a real game-changer for you. In it, you’ll learn the principles that will let you play until you want to stop rather than your body forcing you to stop.
- The fairly unknown practice method that lets you play for longer without cramping up or burning out
- The mistake that gives you pain in your hands - and what to do instead
- Where it's OK to have sore muscles and where it's absolutely NOT
- Discover how to play for hours without getting tired, eliminate hand cramps and stop the muscular pains in your fretting hand
- Richard C: LUYT Graduate![]()
Since embarking on the programme I have developed my left hand technique ...and can play for long periods without any pain, strain or fatigue in any finger.
Concept Four: Fretting Hand Precision
You’ve probably heard this phrase before - ‘tone is in the fingers’, but nobody really talks about how to get the best tone from your fingers. (Hint - it’s not about the gear you use)
- How to get the best possible sound out of any bass - even if it's not expensive or 'boutique'
- Some aspects of your tone are ‘fixed’, while others, you can control and you’ll learn exactly how to control the things you can change
- Eliminated 'flubbed' notes using the fretting hand technique that guarantees a solid, strong, clean sound every time
- The grave error beginners make with their fretting hand that sucks all the life out of their sound - and how to avoid it
Concept Five: Plucking Hand Tone
The way you use your plucking hand has a massive effect on your sound, but most people gloss over it. However, in Level Up Your Technique, you’ll learn exactly how to use your plucking hand to get the best tone possible.
- The two plucking hand technique traps that beginners fall into - and what to do instead
- Exactly what to do to get a fuller, richer sound without touching your tone controls or your amp
- Can you hear the ‘thump’ but not the notes when you play? Learn how to 'cut through' a band so each note you play can actually be heard
- The small change to your right hand technique that lets you play faster
- Sharon W: LUYT Graduate![]()
My sound is better! My fingers don't "fly" anymore Learning where to play the fret for the best sound, I actually have a richer sound when I play!
Bonus: 10-Minute Technique Routines
After you’ve gone through the core concepts of Level Up Your Technique, you’ll be ready to apply everything you’ve learned. That’s why you get five unique technique routines that you can implement immediately.
The 5 different ‘levels’ mean that you’ll always know exactly what to work on and how to work on it. They start at a very basic level and gradually move up in difficulty.
Of course, you can always extend the routines so they’re longer than 10 minutes. If you want to accelerate your progress, you can string as many of these routines together as you like.
- Carlos R: LUYT Graduate![]()
Now I know how to practice. Before, I just tried to play over songs. Now I have a practice routine. I play faster and more comfortable and I recommend Level Up Your Technique to every beginner bass player
Bonus: The 'Tension Scrub' Method
Do you know the #1 enemy of helpful technique? It’s tension. If your body is tense when you play, then it amplifies every single technique mistake that you make. This means you can’t play as fast (because your tense muscles won’t allow it) and you can’t play for long (because the tension tires you out).
In this lesson though, you’ll learn the very methodical way of going through your body and eliminating that tension. That leaves you free to play with complete freedom from a lot of the aches and pains that plague us bassists.
Pro-Level Bonuses: For Serious Students
When you join Level Up Your Technique, you get instant access to 4 bonus lessons designed to get you over some of the most common barriers that beginners face.
“What if I have small hands?” - This is a classic barrier that some people have when it comes time to learn bass. For some people it’s a true physical limitation, but for most people, it’s just a matter of building a more solid foundation of technique.
In this bonus lesson, you’ll learn the two guaranteed ways to break down that barrier and start to play fluidly all over your fretboard. One is a ‘gear fix’ and the other is a tiny technique modifier borrowed from upright bass players that will let you play with absolute confidence - even if you have tiny hands.
Pick Technique - While the majority of Level Up Your Technique focuses on traditional ‘fingerstyle’ playing, sometimes you have to use a pick to get a certain sound. In this bonus lesson, you’ll learn exactly how to use a pick so you’ll never be caught off-guard if a song calls for it.
If you really like the sound of using a pick, you also have to option to play with a pick all of the time. If you’re playing a lot of punk, rock or metal music, this is an essential skill.
When Technique Isn’t Enough: Using Your Gear To Shape Your Sound - In Level Up Your Technique, you’ll learn exactly how to shape your sound using nothing but your hands.
Want to fill a room with a thick, full bass rumble? You can do that with technique. Want to cut through a band so that every note you play is perfectly heard? You can do that too! But there is a limit on how much you can modify your sound just using your technique.
That’s why I’ve included this 3-lesson masterclass that shows you how to craft the perfect sound using the ‘Hierarchy Of Tone’. You’ll learn how to use your on-board bass controls as well as your amp settings to pull the perfect sound out of your bass every time.
Even if the gear you're using isn't expensive, 'boutique' or 'vintage'.
How To Break A Bad Technique Habit - Sometimes picking up a bad habit is unavoidable. You may not even realize it’s happening, and before you know it - you’ve got a bad technique habit that could spell disaster for you in the long run. Hopefully you know exactly how dangerous these can be, but what exactly are you supposed to do if you’ve got them?
How are you supposed to break it? And how long will it take? How do you know when it’s good enough? How do you know if you have a bad habit in the first place? What if you have more than one bad habit? Do you deal with them all at once? Or one at a time? You’ll learn the answers to all these questions in this lesson.
Frequently Asked Questions
"How much time will it take?"
Level Up Your Technique is laser-focused; just 14 easily digestible videos. I don’t want you to be overwhelmed by getting dumped in a members’ area with hundreds of videos and dozens of paths to take.
If you wanted to binge the core videos in one sitting - Netflix-style - you could probably do it in about an hour and a half.
Of course, if you’re doing what I recommend in the program, you’re not just watching the videos - you’re playing along with your bass. You’re stopping after each video to apply what you’ve learned. You’re doing the exercises I include. You’re using the hours of practice tracks to slowly and methodically build up your technique.
If you’re busy though - I get it. We can’t all make practicing bass our #1 priority. That’s why I created 5 unique practice routines that will get you gig-ready in just 10 minutes a day. Sometimes it’s not about practicing lots - it’s about practicing smart and that’s what you’ll get in these technique routines.
There’s one for every ability level too. If you’re just beginning, you can start at the first level, and work your way to the 2nd, 3rd and eventually the 5th. If you have more time, you can string 4 or 5 of these routines together for a serious technique workout. In fact, when I discovered these exercises, this is exactly what I did to get my own technique to the next level.
You also have lifetime access to all the material in the course and everything is downloadable so you can go through the course whenever and wherever you like.
If you come up against a technique problem, you can refer back to the course material and fix it for yourself - no spending money on expensive teachers, and no developing those bad habits that can stop you playing permanently.
"I'm a total beginner? Will I get anything out of this?"
Absolutely. In fact, if you’ve never played before, that’s actually a great position to be in. Why? Because you haven’t had the chance to develop any bad technique habits - the kind that nearly put me out of action when I first started playing.
Starting from a completely blank slate means you can do everything right the first time and save yourself months of work, and tons of pain. Chances are, you’ll get to do the things you want to do faster than you thought was possible.
The course was designed with the total beginner in mind so any ‘jargon’ or technical terms are explained. Everything is very easy to follow, but also incredibly effective.
"I've been playing for years - will I get anything out of this?"
That depends. If you’ve consciously worked on your technique before and you’re happy with it (no pains when you play, no trouble playing difficult lines etc.) then you probably already know this isn’t for you.
However, if you’re self-taught, or you’ve just never really thought about your technique, then it’s possible that your technique is holding you back.
If you’ve reached a plateau - you find yourself struggling to play more difficult bass lines/riffs/melodies etc - and you think the issue is how you physically play the bass, then I can help you with that in the course.
“I play a U-Bass/upright bass. Can I still take the course?”
Level Up Your Technique was specifically made for electric bass. While you technically could use the ideas from the course to help your UBass playing or your upright playing, I wouldn’t recommend it.
Both the UBass and the upright bass have different challenges than playing electric bass. For example, a common challenge on the upright bass is playing in tune and a common challenge on the UBass is finding yourself getting a bit ‘cramped’ on the fretboard.
Neither of these issues are a challenge when you’re playing a plain old electric bass, so Level Up Your Technique doesn’t cover them at all. If you’re looking specifically for technique advice for UBass or upright bass, this course isn’t a good fit for you.
"Will this teach me how to play slap bass?"
No. If you want to learn slap bass, then you shouldn’t sign up for this course. The right hand technique to play slap bass is very different than the fingerstyle that you’ll learn in Level Up Your Technique.
The fretting hand technique is largely the same, but if you want to learn slap bass specifically, you won’t find that in here.
"I have medical issues with my hands. Should I join?"
I’m not a doctor - and I don’t play one on the internet. If you have existing conditions like carpal tunnel syndrome, RSI, or osteoarthritis, then changing your technique won’t ‘undo’ any damage that has already been done.
However, if you think your technique may be the cause of these issues for you, then changing the way you play can help minimize the risk of doing any more damage. If you’re concerned though, I’d recommend visiting an actual doctor who can give you their professional medical opinion.
60-Day Money Back Guarantee
I want to give you the best possible chance to take your technique to the next level. I want you to have the confidence to play with other people and know that your hands will do exactly what you want them to. That’s why Level Up Your Technique comes with a rock solid 60-day money back guarantee.
Here’s how it works:
Try out the entire course: Watch the videos, download the PDFs, play along with the practice tracks, do the exercises, follow the steps – you get instant access to everything and 60 days is more than enough to really sink your teeth into the material.
If you don’t like the course for any reason, just email me within 60 days of joining and I’ll refund every cent. I believe in the course I’ve created and I want to make sure there’s absolutely no risk for you to join.
- Rick C.![]()
My technique has improved tremendously. Prior to taking the course, my technique was sketchy at best. I kept changing the way I held the bass, my fretting hand used too much pressure and missed many notes, and my plucking hand was not consistent with either the rest stroke or alternate finger plucking.
All of those skills are well on their way to becoming solid where before they were weak...The best thing about having taken the course is I'm able to focus more on the musical aspects of the bass. Technique is no longer a constant hindrance. That is fun
Start Taking Your Technique To The Next Level Today
- Get the full Level Up Your Technique Course (14 comprehensive HD videos, hours of practice tracks, plus PDF cheat sheets to level up your technique faster)
- 5 unique technique routines to get you 'gig-ready' in just 10 minutes a day
- The Tension Scrub Bonus Lesson
- Bonus: "What if I have small hands?" Lesson
- Bonus: How To Play With A Pick
- Bonus: The Hierarchy Of Tone - How To Use Gear To Shape Your Sound (3 Lessons)
- Bonus: How To Break A Bad Technique Habit
A personal one-hour Skype lesson with me to help you take on all of your technique troubles and even make a personalized practice routine so you can start seeing improvements fast
3 Monthly Payments Of $39
Or pay in full and save $18
- Get the full Level Up Your Technique Course (14 comprehensive HD videos, hours of practice tracks, plus PDF cheat sheets to level up your technique faster)
- 5 unique technique routines to get you 'gig-ready' in just 10 minutes a day
- The Tension Scrub Bonus Lesson
- Bonus: "What if I have small hands?" Lesson
- Bonus: How To Play With A Pick
- Bonus: The Hierarchy Of Tone - How To Use Gear To Shape Your Sound (3 Lessons)
- Bonus: How To Break A Bad Technique Habit
- A personal one-hour Skype lesson with me to help you take on all of your technique troubles and even make a personalized practice routine so you can start seeing improvements fast
3 Monthly Payments Of $99
Or pay in full and save $48
All prices are in USD
Once you go through the 2-minute checkout process, you'll be sent an email with a password to login to the exclusive member's area.
When you're inside you'll have instant access to everything in the course. If you want to binge everything, you're more than welcome to do that! If you want to take things slowly and methodically, you can do that too!
Just pick the level that's right for you and we can get started immediately.
Clarity Breeds Confidence
If confusion is the biggest obstacle to your improvement, then clarity is what is going to help you get your playing to the next level faster.
Knowing exactly what to do and more importantly - the order to do it in - means that every step of the way, you’ll have a clear path forward.
Sure - you could try to figure it out yourself, but chances are, it’s going to take months (maybe even years) to discover all the subtle differences between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ technique.
And in the meantime, you run the risk of accidentally learning dangerous, destructive technique habits that actually pull you away from your goal rather than push you toward it.
Imagine getting up on stage with a bunch of your friends. But instead of feeling nervous and wondering if you’re going to fumble over your notes, you feel completely confident and relaxed. You know exactly where your hands are supposed to go, and they go there - almost by themselves.
The songs, bass lines, riffs and melodies that were once beyond your abilities now come flying out of your bass without a second thought from you. The songs that you love don’t have to be simplified for you - you can play them the way they’re supposed to be played.
It all starts with clarity.
Clarity eliminates confusion and that leads to confidence.
You can do whatever you want with this confidence:
- Join a new band
- Jump up at an open mic night
- Jam with your friends
- Learn that song that's always been too difficult - until now
- Play for your church
- Even just play at home with your favorite songs
And the best part? The confidence you get from leveling up your technique - you’ll have that for the rest of your life. Anytime you go to pick up your bass, you can do it knowing that your hands will be able to handle anything you throw at them.
I'm really excited to see you in the course. Let’s get started!
- Get the full Level Up Your Technique Course (14 comprehensive HD videos, hours of practice tracks, plus PDF cheat sheets to level up your technique faster)
- 5 unique technique routines to get you 'gig-ready' in just 10 minutes a day
- The Tension Scrub Bonus Lesson
- Bonus: "What if I have small hands?" Lesson
- Bonus: How To Play With A Pick
- Bonus: The Hierarchy Of Tone - How To Use Gear To Shape Your Sound (3 Lessons)
- Bonus: How To Break A Bad Technique Habit
A personal one-hour Skype lesson with me to help you take on all of your technique troubles and even make a personalized practice routine so you can start seeing improvements fast
3 Monthly Payments Of $39
Or pay in full and save $18
- Get the full Level Up Your Technique Course (14 comprehensive HD videos, hours of practice tracks, plus PDF cheat sheets to level up your technique faster)
- 5 unique technique routines to get you 'gig-ready' in just 10 minutes a day
- The Tension Scrub Bonus Lesson
- Bonus: "What if I have small hands?" Lesson
- Bonus: How To Play With A Pick
- Bonus: The Hierarchy Of Tone - How To Use Gear To Shape Your Sound (3 Lessons)
- Bonus: How To Break A Bad Technique Habit
- A personal one-hour Skype lesson with me to help you take on all of your technique troubles and even make a personalized practice routine so you can start seeing improvements fast
3 Monthly Payments Of $99
Or pay in full and save $48
All prices are in USD