The James Jamerson 'Spice'

(aka. How To Breathe Life Into A 'Dull' Bass Line)

Today I want to show you that creating bass lines from scratch isn’t some mysterious dark art - it’s a methodology that you can learn and you can learn it from bassists like James Jamerson: the master of creating bass lines on the fly.  

In this lesson, from my upcoming course, I want to show you the James Jamerson ‘spice’ and how you can use it to transform a perfectly functional bass line (that’s maybe a little bit dull) into something that’s literally iconic. You can watch it come to life right in front of you.

And all this without needing to learn 10,000 licks, scales or arpeggios - the Jamerson ‘spice’ only uses 3 notes.

Once you see and hear this Jamerson spice, you can use it yourself to create bass lines on the fly that you know are going to sound good and will contribute to whatever song you’re playing. 

Plus, you’ll actually enjoy the bass lines that you create. 

Try making a few bass lines on the fly using this James Jamerson idea. There are even some tracks for you to practice this with on the lesson page. It’s one thing to hear it, but if you start sprinkling the Jamerson spice into your own bass lines that you make on the fly - that’s when it’ll ‘click’.

Doing this stuff is an absolute ton of fun, so good luck, and happy bass line creating!





P.S. Here are some tracks for you to practice creating your own Jamerson-inspired bass lines to on the fly.

Bluesy 12/8 Practice Track - Chords: C - G - F - C - G

4-On-The-Floor Practice Track - Chords: G - Bb - C - G

'Southern Rock' Practice Track: D - C - G - C