Jazz bass lines can be intimidating, right?
You see these incredible bassists creating incredible bass lines out of thin air and improvise like there’s no tomorrow – it can be super inspiring.
But then you hear them talk about things like ‘double chromatic approach tones’ or using the ‘Superlocrian mode’ over altered dominant chords or using the 4th mode of the melodic minor scale… It’s so easy to think,
“That’s too complicated…”
I’d actually agree a lot of the time! But just because jazz bass lines can be complicated, doesn’t mean you can’t dip your toe in the water with some beginner-friendly jazz bass lines instead, and that’s exactly what I want to share with you today.
By the way – this is NOT about creating walking bass lines. I’m talking about ‘bass line’ bass lines that stay the same pretty much every time they’re played, which means you don’t need to get bogged down in the theory weeds just to get through a bass line.
You can just play!
If you are looking to create walking bass lines, then a great place to start is another video of mine, 5 Plug-And-Play Walking Bass Line Formulas.
4 of these bass lines you’ve more than likely heard before, and 1 bass line, only the real die-hard jazz fans will know (but it was too good to leave out)
Check out the lesson here:
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FREE - Download The Tabs and Notation for these 5 beginner-friendly Jazz Bass Lines
Get the free tabs, notation and practice tracks to start mastering these jazzy bass lines - TODAY!
Even if you don’t actually want to get into playing jazz ‘for real’, these bass lines are a great way to have some fun, expand your musical horizons and help you become a better, more versatile bassist.
Plus, it’s always good to have bass line #1 up your sleeve at jam sessions – it’s a favorite of singers that gets called every once in a while.
If you want to get all the tabs, notation and practice tracks from this video (including the slowed down versions of the tracks to make practicing even easier) then fill out the form above and I’ll send you everything from this lesson – it’s all totally free.
By the way, all these bass lines were originally played on an upright bass, which obviously has a very different sound than an electric, but if you want to get closer to that woody, woofy upright sound and make these jazz bass lines that bit more ‘authentic’ sounding, then check out this video: How To Get An Upright Bass Sound On Electric Bass.
Good luck with the lesson and happy playing!
Hi Luke, excellent lesson es always! In fact I’m not going to dive deeper into playing Jazz right now, but this is helpfull wrt what to play over some chords.
No worries at all Reinhold, and thanks for checking the video out.
Really enjoyed this lesson, thanks Luke
You’re welcome Ed – thanks so much for watching!
Hello how to download Peggy lee bacgink track music.
Just fill out the form underneath the video Gaston and everything will be sent on over to you.
Thanks Luke. Great lessons! I’m going through every one right now.
Also thanks for the hints about upright bass players using the open strings. That’s what I play!
For the most part I find nearly all your P-bass lessons work perfectly well on my upright.
Absolutely Barry – When I can, I love to teach concepts that aren’t specific to the electric or upright. So many things are equally applicable to either instrument.
Luke, thank you so much for the downloads and sound tracks. You rock.
You’re more than welcome Frank!
Hi Luke,
many thanks for your awesome bass lessons and particularly for the attached five jazz lines. It always gives me great pleasure to work with those of your lessons on youtube that fit my instrument (double bass). I’ve learned a lot so far … and let me just say: you are doing a fantastic job!!!
All the best from Germany
Hi Luke,
Thanks for the lesson and tabs! Great to impress people with just a bass.
Btw, great dog ?
Thank you Very much.
From Brazil. ??????
Hi Luke
Great lesson thanks Luke! Once again, while I received PDF, how can I get the practice tracks please?
Hey Willie – check the email you would have got from me. The backing tracks will be in there. If you can’t find the email, make sure to check your ‘junk’ or ‘spam’ folders. Sometimes the emails get routed there, even though you requested them.
Love the website and tutorial on the songs. Your visuals make it easy to follow. So glad I found this site. Thanks.
Hey I really enjoyed learning some jazz and was wondering if you could make some more beginner videos
I have a ton of beginner lessons already on the site Lily: https://becomeabassist.com/category/beginner/ and I’m always making more as well.