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The BAB Beginner's Starter Pack

Just starting out on bass but not sure exactly what to learn? In the Become A Bassist Beginner Starter Pack, you'll learn the 3 core elements of your playing that you should learn first, plus the all-important order to learn them in.

Master these 3 areas of your playing and you'll be ahead of 90% of other bass players who don't know what to work on. It's a collection of some of my best material for beginners and it's a ton of fun!

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The Ultimate Guide To Learning Your Bass Fretboard

If you're a beginner on bass, then learning where all the notes are on your fretboard is going to be one of the biggest wins for you. Imagine:

When somebody tells you the notes of a bass line or chord progression, you don't have to fumble around your fretboard looking for the notes. You don't have to get someone to show you on your own bass. You don't have to get someone to tell you the fret numbers.

Instead, you know exactly where every note is on your bass and you can quickly and easily play exactly what's needed and quickly make great music.

The best part? Learning your fretboard doesn't have to be a huge, boring chord. It's actually simple once you have a plan and a system for doing it and that's exactly what you'll get in this 3-part video guide.

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The Ultimate Guide To The Modes For Bass

I get it.

Modes can be confusing (and make you wanna throw your bass at a wall sometimes). The good news: you can FINALLY stop drowning in information that just doesn’t seem to stick and figure out what modes REALLY are and how to use them in your playing once and for all.

In my FREE Ultimate Guide to The Modes For Bass, you’ll learn how to finally wrap your head around the modes in under 20 minutes (without watching 15 more confusing YouTube videos or reading “Bass Guitar For Dummies”).

Plus you'll learn exactly where and how to use the modes to make actual music! After all, that's the point, right? And don’t worry - I actually wrote these in a way that’s jargon-free, easy to understand - AND even easier to practice with.

Download The Ultimate Guide To The Modes For Bass